
Josh was a beacon of hope for me during a difficult time. He helped me regain my professional standing after a life-altering situation. He is compassionate, articulate, wildly savvy, and truly engaging. Josh will speak freely and bluntly, he will support you and your family, and he will go out of his way to get you back to where you want to be. I owe him and his team a debt of gratitude that I can never repay.

Former Client & Tech Founder/CEO

How I Got Here

I like to think that I am a high performer. I graduated from a great university, breezed through law school, became a highly regarded military officer, and launched a successful legal career. I had it all — a fantastic income, a beautiful wife, a wonderful family, and countless opportunities for more. But in 2021, I went through a personal and professional crisis that put it all at risk.

For more than a year, I worked on becoming a better version of myself. And in the process, I learned about what it takes to navigate life-altering and potentially damaging crises and reputational events. Not only did I come to understand how to change, I saw how high performers often failed. I saw how failure to manage their personal and professional circumstances caused a controllable crisis to become a destructive downfall. And I wanted to help.

In the process of improving myself, I discovered that I could have a much larger impact by investing in the personal and professional growth of other high performers. I also realized that I crave and value authentic relationships and conversations geared toward helping others evolve and succeed.

So, after months of soul searching, I launched Sinan Consulting, my boutique consulting practice. I dedicated myself to a new mission: helping others realize that we are all greater than our biggest mistakes.

Who I Help

I help high performers navigate crisis. Let’s break that down.

First, I work with high performers — those who value professional success. I help both young and experienced leaders around the world to succeed. Most often, my clients include founders, business executives, entrepreneurs, nonprofit leaders, managers, athletes, doctors, and lawyers. This list is not exhaustive, and my clients come from all walks of life. But they tend to share one characteristic — a significant and impactful professional career.

My clients are dealing with crisis. I don’t coach entrepreneurs on marketing strategies. I don’t work with executives to cultivate best business practices. Honestly, what my clients have in common is that they have made a mistake. Sometimes a gigantic one. They are facing life-altering and potentially damaging crises or reputational events. They need help becoming a better version of themselves, to get back to being the high performing professional that they were before.

That said, my work is not just “coaching.” For high performers navigating crisis, there are often public relations, business, and legal issues at play. I am a communicator, a counselor, and a strategic advisor. Not only do I work with clients in improving their lives, but I engage the media (where necessary) to act as a voice and an advocate for my clients. I assist with business development in times of crisis, because my clients’ personal lives are often intertwined with their professional lives. And I help chart a path through crisis that leaves my clients, and their businesses, in a better place than they were before. I play a multi-faceted and integral role in successful crisis resolution, protective reputation management, and effective leadership and brand communications.

My Approach

There is not a rubric for the work I do. One size does not fit all — I work with unique individuals, and I believe that individual context matters. However, what I do in every case is leverage proven tactics, strategies, and frameworks so you can develop and consistently show up as your best self, while protecting your professional reputation and business success.

My work is built on a foundation of trust, mutual respect, collaboration, and growth. I bring my full self to my relationship with my clients. As I have said before, I am a high performer that has navigated my own crisis. I am also a trained lawyer, an advisor, a former military officer, a father, a husband, a community leader, and more. I’m here to make you stronger so that you can show up for your business and those around you in even better ways.

Everything we discuss is always confidential.

How to Get Started

Our relationship begins one-on-one. To get started, you need to contact me. We can then set up a time to get on a Zoom call and talk about how I can help.

After that, we will typically meet twice a month for an hour over Zoom, on the phone, or in person. However, like any true partnership, I’m available whenever you need me over phone, text, email, and Slack. I become an extension of your inner circle and an integral part of your team.

There are no long-term contracts, obligations, or large upfront payments. All I ask for is a mental and energetic commitment of at least three months. While most clients start to feel the positive effect of our work after just a few weeks, this three-month commitment gives us sufficient time to get to know one another and work collectively towards your goals. My hope is this initial engagement blossoms into a successful long-term relationship.

The Bottom Line

In navigating my own crisis, I needed someone to turn to. I hope that I can be that person for you. I know the dark place that you may be in because I have been there too. But I found my way out, and I hope I can help you do the same.